Saturday, October 16, 2010

The 30 Day Blog Challenge

OK, so it' s been a very long time since I've written, but I offer no apologies. My non-blog life has needed me more.

My sister has handed me a challenge. The 30 Day Blog Revival, of sorts. So here goes.

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts

My name is Kate. I am a child of my Savior, wife to my husband, and mother to my three children. That about sums it up.

This is my recent picture-taken about six hours ago. I am on the left and will introduce the others at a further date.

Interesting Facts

1: I think about blogging when it's the most inconvenient.

2:I am a dairy farmer.

3:I homeschool our children.

4: God challenges me everyday with His blessings.

5:Obviously, I am a Michigan State fan.

6:I have recently lost 15 pounds and plan to lose more.

7:I hope my sister is doing the 30 Day Blog.

8:I'm not very interesting.

9:I worry that blogging is a lot like bragging and whining and searching for validation.

10:I love animals.

11:I knit, hopefully, blessing my loved ones with gifts.

12:I love to read but rarely find time to read more than children's books.

13:My little one told me today that his sock had holes in it beacause that's how God made it.

14:The most-played song in my mini-van this week was 'Stuck Like Glue' by Sugarland.

15:I'm glad this is the last one.


Linda said...

Welcome back! I've missed you.
And keep after Jami. I sent the pattern to her.